Item | When | Where | Contact |
Item | When | Where | Contact |
I swapped... | ...for... | ...on... | |
Bartering inhibits the hoarding of wealth
Users are responsible for their own due diligence in trades. The platform is not responsible for damages or illegal items. We, as a platform, are a neutral intermediary - we do not intervene in disputes.
We do not take any responsibility for indemnities or damages. In fact we would argue that the majority of the attributes associated with the "bartering exchange" legal entity type are not present with us as an organisation, as the email conversations that people initiate with one another (by means of this website) contain agreements, and, arguably, any implicit value assignments. This website provides a jump off point for people that want to create their own "bartering exchange" initiatives (through emails), and so we do not carry the legal burdens and obligations that other bartering exchanges are encumbered by. So the answer to the question, "can I barter?", is yes, but all details and aspects and particulars relating to it are at your own discretion and not ours.
Please enter any bartering you've ever observed into the "Successful Transactions" section. This section does not need to be perfect. For example, by the time it gets large enough for us to worry about double-ups, the effect that double ups will have on the ratios created will be negligible.
Ideally, to avoid this website being taken down, we avoid tokenization of value of commodities (taxable), avoid assigning market values to commodities (taxable), and avoid being classified as a 'financial institution' (taxable). To help us do so, please refrain from claiming you've made any "material gains or losses" through the use of this website, and if appropriate, please confirm between parties that there is no monetary motive behind any exchanges, through explicit agreements.
It may be worth spending some time familiarising yourself with local bartering laws to avoid stumbling on regional legal quirks.
Consider including some reason as to why you'd like to swap that particular item within your email in order to help build trust and understanding between parties, and please be civil during email exchanges. Of course we advise to only do big swaps face-to-face.
Short term plans: We are considering different ways to allow photo attachments to entries utilizing BLOBS/PicPurify. If everyone could somehow scan everything in their house and upload whatever they want directly to the supply section of this website, with everyone doing this, people effectively become other people's shops and proposals would be flying left right and center.
Long term plans: Ideally this is run on two blockchains, one running the logs of who is listing what, and another running the logs of what transactions have happened. Everything else can be built atop of these two in some way. If you are knowledgeable and wish to contribute please email us at
Emails are obscured when the page is rendered, but unobscured when a row is clicked in some of the tables. Although it is insecure to leave them naked on the page, for bots to click buttons on pages to hunt for stray emails would be computationally expensive, and so we think it safe to reveal them in the overlay.
No user IP is kept from the "transaction table". The IRS will regrettably not be able to figure out who the transactions pertain to should we be questioned.
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